University of Chicago

Franke Institute Fellowships

February 10, 2017
Proposals due at 5pm and must include two letters of reference--one from a UChicago colleague, one from an external writer--among other materials (see above). If you need a copy of the required application form, contact Courtney Guerra.

Re: Residential Faculty Fellowships for 20172018


Each year the Franke Institute for the Humanities awards a limited number of Faculty Residential Fellowships to members of the University of Chicago faculty who are engaged in interdisciplinary projects. We will make up to eight awards for 20172018; the deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, February 10th.  

All tenure-track or tenured members of both the Humanities faculty and the Social Sciences faculty are eligible to apply. Normally, we expect to appoint six or seven faculty fellows from the Humanities Division and one from the Social Sciences.

University of Chicago Women's Board Grants

February 16, 2015
Proposals require decanal endorsement before they can be submitted. Above deadline is for submission to Dean; the Women's Board deadline is 3/2/15. Funding contingent upon presentation to WB on 4/29 or 4/30, 2015.

The Women’s Board invites your proposals for projects to be funded in the 2015–2016 academic year. Below please find information on the format and content of submissions, deadlines, and other pertinent information. This information may also be found online at


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