The Center for East Asian Studies at Stanford University offers up to two postdoctoral fellowships in Chinese Studies each year. These awards are open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences studying any historical period. Applicants must have been awarded their Ph.D. no later than August 31 the year in which the fellowship begins, and may not be more than five years beyond receipt of the doctoral degree. Fellowships may be awarded to those who hold continuing, assistant professor-level teaching positions. U.S. citizenship is not required. Those who have received their Ph.D. from Stanford University will not normally be considered. Each award carries a 12-month stipend of approximately $60,000. Fellows are required to be in residence in the Stanford area during the appointment period; to teach one course during the academic year; and to participate in all regular Center activities. Stanford University Press will have first right of refusal for manuscripts produced during the postdoctoral appointment.
(5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time)
Our fellowship application consists of five elements:
1) Online application form
2) Current curriculum vitae
3) Research plan for the year of appointment (max. 5-page double-spaced)
4) Writing sample (dissertation chapter or other paper) no longer than 30 pages single-spaced
5) Two letters of recommendation (sent directly to CEAS by recommenders)
In addition to the above materials, you may also upload up to two sample syllabi/course proposals for courses you might teach while in residence. These materials are optional and will not be taken into consideration by the review committee when reviewing applications.
You will fill in the required biographical information, upload your application documents, and list your two recommenders on the online application form. When you submit your form, an email will be sent to your recommenders with instructions for completing your recommendation letters online. Be sure to fill out all sections highlighted as “required information” and to check the certification checkbox before submitting. You will receive an email confirmation of your completed submission, and will also have a chance to print a copy of your application info for your records. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your application was not submitted. Application information (including uploaded files) may be updated at any time before the deadline by entering your email and auto-generated ID# in the application form. You will receive final notification via email on or before Feb. 1 listing any missing application items or verifying that your application is complete.
Questions may be addressed to John Groschwitz, Associate Director, at