Grants Archive

Name Description Deadlinesort descending
NEH Collaborative Research Grants Funds in support of research projects undertaken by two or more scholars over a period of one to three years January 7, 2014
See detailed description for stipulations. Funding is not available for individual projects. Requires submission through/approval by University Research Administration; must notify Grants team of intent to apply by early December at the absolute latest.
NEH Scholarly Editions and Translations Grants $50,000 to $100,000/year for 1–3-year projects January 7, 2014
Requires submission through, and approval by, University Research Administration; must notify Grants team of intent to apply by early December at the latest--ideally earlier.
Terra Foundation for American Art Publication Grants up to $30k (books) or up to $3k (articles) in funding for publishing work that investigates international contexts for American art January 15, 2014
All materials (hard copy plus additional electronic copy) must be submitted by publisher.
Initial Call for Proposals--University of Chicago Center in Delhi funding for events taking place at/engaging with the University of Chicago Center in Delhi, slated to open in late March 2014 January 31, 2014
above deadline for AY14 proposals; there will be a subsequent CFP for projects taking place in AY15 and beyond, but submissions are also welcome at any time.
NEH Grant for Institutes in Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Grants of $50k to $200k in support of events/symposia/etc. that promote the digital humanities March 11, 2014
Requires submission through, and approval by, University Research Administration; must notify Grants team of intent to apply by mid-February at the latest--ideally earlier.
American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grants Funding up to $6k in support of research projects with special funding for research in London or Edinburgh. October 1, 2014
PROJECTED DEADLINE; will be updated when new date is posted. A second round of applications is due December 1st. Preference given to junior scholars; application includes two letters of support.
UChicago Urban Network--Urban Forums Proposals The University of Chicago Urban Network invites faculty and campus partners to submit proposals for events as part of the 2014–2015 Urban Forums series. October 15, 2014
Does not need to go through URA.
Request for Proposals: Humanities Without Walls' "The Global Midwest" Initiative Administered through Franke Institute on behalf of the "Humanities Without Walls" Consortium, funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and based at the Institute for Research in the Humanities at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. October 30, 2014
Please contact Courtney Guerra ASAP if you're interested in applying.
Neubauer Family Collegium for Culture and Society Funding for ambitious new research projects involving collaboration and scholarly exchange November 4, 2014
Due at midnight on deadline. Application must include a project title, the name(s) and CV(s) of the principal faculty sponsor(s), a 200-250 word abstract, a project narrative, and a project budget.
University of Chicago Women's Board Grants The Women's Board provides grants to support faculty research and other projects at the University of Chicago February 16, 2015
Proposals require decanal endorsement before they can be submitted. Above deadline is for submission to Dean; the Women's Board deadline is 3/2/15. Funding contingent upon presentation to WB on 4/29 or 4/30, 2015.
